Constructor for the import. Directly reads out the declaration to make its uses easier.
declaration from the AST
source file to get the texts from it
If isNamed is true, this can hold an element.
The imported elements, does not contain the default import.
If the named imports were used. i.e.: "import {a, b, c}".
If the namespace import was used. i.e.: "import * as yourMom".
If only types were imported. Uses the syntax: "import type".
The source of the import, the right side.
If the module imported only side effects.
Sorts the elements in-place.
compare function to sort the import elements
The basic toString function to format this to a string. If give some formatting options, it will format to the given options.
options to format the output
Generated using TypeDoc
Class for easy representation of an import.
This class maps the import declarations to simple attributes. Used for comparing them against each other.