"use strict";
class WeekVersionError extends Error {
* The error you get if you want to update an outdated week.
* @param {Week} week
* @param {StalksHTTPError} stalksHTTPError
* @param {Stalks} stalks
constructor(week, stalksHTTPError, stalks) {
super("Server has newer version of week");
* The outdated week.
* @type {Week}
this.week = week;
* The error you got exactly.
* @type {StalksHTTPError}
this.stalksHTTPError = stalksHTTPError;
* The stalks object that tried to update the week.
* @type {Stalks}
this.stalks = stalks;
* Forces the update of the outdated week.
* @returns {Promise<Week>}
* @throws {StalksHTTPError}
async forceWeek() {
let week = this.week;
week.version = undefined;
return await this.stalks.updateWeek(week, true);
export default WeekVersionError;
export { WeekVersionError };